About Us

Since 2016, Weill Cornell Medicine (New York) and the Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus (Paris) have joined forces to organize an annual conference that provides a forum for education, discussion, and networking among investigators interested in developing safe and effective RT-IT combinations (ImmunoRad).

Contact Info

Tina Zaarour

+33 1 42 11 49 02

  Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus,
Research Department
Pièce 65 - B2M


Select your language



Please note that we do not have printing solutions onsite, so please bring your poster with you at the event.

Candidates must be conference registrants.

After registering, please submit abstracts to CORINUS CHRISTINE This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

7/15/2025 Deadline for consideration to receive travel award and to be added into the final program booklet.

7/29/2025 Final deadline for abstract submission.

9/17/2025 Decision of travel awards. 

Please indicate if the abstract presenter is a student/post-doc or resident. Abstracts submitted by student/post-doc or residents will be reviewed by a special committee.  Selected abstracts will be presented at the poster session or in oral presentation.


Submision process

Abstract Information

Please note that presenting authors of all accepted abstracts must register and pay the conference registration fee by the deadline for early registration.


  • No phone numbers, hyperlinks, keyword lists, or figures.
  • Maximum of 500 words (not including title and authors).
  • Paragraph breaks between Title, Author & Institute, abstract body, funding, and references
  • Include: Background, Brief methods, Results, Figures and Conclusions
  • File must be saved as Word file
  • Arial, 11 point, black font
  • For Greek and Scientific symbols, use the Symbol option under the Insert tab in Microsoft Word (or equivalent option in other applications)
  • Single spacing, one-inch margins, left justified
  • One abstract per submitting author per meeting. Presenting author must be underlined.
  • Maximal dimensions for posters are the following : height : 157 cm x width : 115 cm



Poster session

The poster session will take place just after the first day on September 17th at the cloister of the Cordeliers site, where the conference will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
You can put up your poster from 10 a.m. on the 17th or later in the day.